Thursday, September 19, 2013


since arriving in europe I have been a happier and healthier me and with no doubt feeling better than I have in a very long time. it reminds me why i decided to study here in the first place and what i personally want to get out of this journey.

here are a few small goals I have set while i'm here.

1. Eating fresh (which isn't hard to do with these amazing markets)
2. Exercise daily. A healthy body is a happy body. 
3. Go to class everyday. It's not about the textbooks or homework, it's about the experience.
4. Take time out of everyday to journal my thoughts. It's important to have these memories documented, as i'm trusting my professor Sean that someday I will be old and wrinkly, find them in a drawer and weep while reading them.
5. Begin practicing yoga, to prove to myself I can do things I never thought imaginable.


Weekend Travels: Tomorrow we are off to Cinque Terre (google it, it's beautiful) for a weekend of hiking and beautiful views.

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